Nov 20, 2020 | Qur'an Connection
Focusing on Faith and Guidance from the Final Messenger ﷺ At the beginning of Surat Al-Azhab (33 The Combined Forces) Allah swt addresses the value of believing in His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. In verse 21, saying: “Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah...
Nov 13, 2020 | Qur'an Connection
3 Qualities of Success from Surat Al-Ambya (23 The Prophets) Learn three qualities to ensure Allah provides an immediate answer. Ustadh Michael Wolfender takes us through Surat Al-Ambya (21 The Prophets) where Allah details the stories of at least a dozen prophets and...
Sep 5, 2020 | Qur'an Connection
Allah’s Creation and our Purpose By looking at nature you can see the perfection and Greatness of Allah. The beauties found in nature are not random or by chance. Any reasonable person can see that there must be a common thread. We are also a part of His creation....
Aug 29, 2020 | Qur'an Connection
Learning from Surat Al-Mu’minun (23 The Believers) Ustadh Michael Wolfender shares learnings from Surat Al-Mu’minum on how amazing Allah is. Brother Michael advises how the surah opens with the first four ayat guaranteeing success to believers who follow what...
Aug 21, 2020 | Qur'an Connection
The Legacy of Our Prophet ﷺ As the new Hijri calendar year begins, Ustadh Michael Wolfender reflects on the legacy of our prophet Muhammad ﷺ and how he would love to see those who love him, which includes believers of today. Brother Michael shares how Allah revealed...
Aug 15, 2020 | Qur'an Connection
Beginning the School Year by Understanding Community and Peace Ustadh Michael Wolfender explains the value of reciting Surah Al Fatihah the most, as it is the perfect dua to ask of Allah, guiding our relationship with Him. Note at the end of this dua, we ask Allah to...