Lessons of Surah Al-’Adiyat
Sister Sana’s 8th grade Islamic Studies class teaches us lessons from Surah Al-’Adiyat to help us improve our daily lives and our relationship with Allah. Yusuf begins by describing how the surah begins with the image of a charging horse, the highest quality of horse running fast. Saad then describes how after the first five verses Allah stops the scene to illustrate how humans are ungrateful to their Master, but the horses just described are loyal to humans. Fareeha elaborates by asking who is more grateful, the humans or these horses? Jana says the horses have direction and focus and then asks us to consider whether we have the same heart as the horses show in these measures. Sister Sana shares the lesson that “When you commit yourself to Allah, you gain this world and the next.” But when you don’t grow your relationship with Allah, you only have this world. A world which cannot be trusted.
Saadiq continues sharing even more lessons from Al-’Adiyat that on the Day of Judgment all will be revealed. Now is the time to repent and have our errors erased by Allah. Yusuf advises how Allah is reminding us of the consequences of our actions so we don’t go too far in disobedience and disbelief.
And Saad concludes with solutions including how this surah can help us improve our worship and perform other beneficial actions such as pleasing parents, reading Qur’an, and doing good deeds. With this, as humans, we can achieve beyond the horses’ faithful actions.